Hey2.. How do u do man?! Hehe.. Today April 3rd, 2012.. I'm really Thank God b'coz still giving me a chance to still alive in this world.. Right? This time, i just wanna share roughly about my future planning.. Not interested? Get lost man! As u guys know that I'm taking Diploma in Mass Communication at one of our Private Collage.. I'm going to have intern maybe at Tv3 or Astro somewhere around August next year. Then after that i was planning to have BA (Hons) Mass Communication at University of Hertfordshire..

So far in my Diploma I have done some of my subject well such as Creative Thinking, Mass Communication, English 102,103,104, Presentation Skills, Advertising Principles.. For my second year I need to finish out about 10 subject such as Principle of Journalism, Media Ethnics & Regulation, Multimedia, Video Production Techniques, Principles of Journalism, Publicity & Media Relations, Writing for Different Media and etc b4 I can go for intent.. Alamak! Sangat banyak.. I'allah kalo xder ape2 Nassif akan pegi buat Degree by early of 2014.. I was planning to go with my friend who will doing Dentistry soon and hopefully that i can go with her soon.. Hopefully what I wish become true and smoothly.. I want to make my parents proud with me and I want to prove and show to the media industry that im the one who they looking for.. InsyaAllah.. Thats all for today! And Thank You because wasting your time to read this Post.. Iloveyouguys..
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