Are we ready?? Haha.. Most of the student will say NO to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia but mcm mne pun kita kena ambil juga.. So, my school.. Nassif dah dapat slip peperiksaan.. Berdebar rasanya apabila semakin hmpir dgn SPM nie.. SPM will start on the 23rd of November and will end on the 20th of December(xcept for the science student lah).. Korang habis 8hb.. Nassif punya paper akn habis pada 20hb... Lambat giler.. Xsabar dah nk terima tawaran and pergi interview nie.. Haha.. Interview ape? Tawaran ape?? Biarlah rahsia.. Nnti korang akn tau jugak.. So, thats all 'coretan' for today.. Have a Pleasant Day with ur family..
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