Sunday, September 28, 2008

My 15th Birthday

On the 27th September 2008, i had celebrated my 15th birthday. I fell very happy this year because I succeeded in celebrating my birthday this year.

Pic- Ice-cream Cake

Sepupu Nassif turut hadir untuk menyambut Birthday Nassif. Im very proud because my father is around to celebrate my birthday. Huray!!

Pic- With My Ice-cream Cake & When Tiup Lilin.

Yang kelakarnya, bila Pak Ndak Nassif nak potong Ice-Cream Cake itu, pisau kek patah. Haha. . Itu menunjukan bahawa kek ini memang betul² diperbuat daripada Ice-Cream. Bukan tipu². Huhu..

Pic- Cuba untuk potong kek

Thanks to all yang telah celebrate my birthday expecially my parents because bought me Ice-Cream Cake. Love U..

Pic- My brother, My cousin and I

Pic-Melayan Phone Call kawan who wish to Me"Happy Birthday"

If umur Nassif panjang, Nassif berharap tahun depan boleh celebrate lagi. Maybe lebih bagus dari tahun ini. Insya'Allah.